This is Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Making modest changes to your diet and activity level can have a significant impact on your health.

This is Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Making modest changes to your diet and activity level can have a significant impact on your health.

Small Changes Make a Big Difference


Prediabetes means you have a higher than normal blood sugar level. It’s not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes yet. But without lifestyle changes, adults and children with prediabetes are at high risk to develop type 2 diabetes. If you have prediabetes, the long-term damage of diabetes — especially to your heart, blood vessels and kidneys — may already be starting. There’s good news, however. Progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes isn’t inevitable. Eating healthy foods, making physical activity part of your daily routine and staying at a healthy weight can help bring your blood sugar level back to normal.

Break the Cycle

Preventing or delaying the conversion of prediabetes to overt diabetes can reduce mortality and morbidity rates, improve health-related quality of life, and reduce other comorbid complications associated with diabetes.

The same factors that increase the odds of getting type 2 diabetes also increase the risk of prediabetes.

Risk Factors

You’re at risk for prediabetes if you:

  • Are overweight.
  • Are 45 years or older.
  • Have a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes.
  • Are physically active less than 3 times a week.
  • Have ever had gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) or given birth to a baby who weighed over 9 pounds.
  • Are an African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian, or Alaska Native person. Some Pacific Islander and Asian American people are also at higher risk.

You can prevent or reverse prediabetes with proven lifestyle changes. These include losing weight if you’re overweight, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular physical activity. 

Need Some Inspiration?

These are some of our patients’ stories.

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