Hormones play a vital role in our bodies, regulating everything from metabolism and growth to mood and reproductive health. However, there are many misconceptions and myths surrounding hormones that can lead to confusion and even harmful behaviors. 

Together, we’ll examine some of the most common myths about hormones and separate fact from fiction.

Myth #1: Hormone treatment is just for women.

While it’s true that some hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, are primarily associated with women’s health, hormones play a critical role in men’s health as well. Testosterone, for example, is a hormone that plays a crucial role in male reproductive health, muscle mass, and bone density.

Women get a lot of “coverage” when it comes to discussing and treating hormones, especially when it comes to reproductive hormones. Many doctors address women facing issues with menopause, menstrual cycles, and metabolic hormone conditions.

However, whether you’re male or female, hormones are vital messengers that ensure your body is functioning properly. And anyone’s hormones can overproduce or become depleted. That’s why professionals like Dr. Jaiwant Rangi work with patients both male and female.

Myth #2: Hormones are only important for reproductive health.

While hormones do play a crucial role in reproductive health, they also impact many other areas of our health and well-being. Hormones influence everything from mood and energy levels to skin health and bone density.

Cortisol may be one hormone that most of us are familiar with. When we experience periods of stress, our bodies shoot out cortisol (among other hormones) to protect us from potential threats. 

Myth #3: Hormones can be controlled through diet alone.

While diet can play a role in hormone health, it’s not a magic bullet. Many factors can impact hormone levels, including genetics, age, stress levels, and medical conditions. In some cases, medical interventions such as hormone replacement therapy may be necessary to restore hormone balance.

Dr. Jaiwant Rangi tackles hormone health from multiple angles. She addresses dietary changes with her patients, but she doesn’t stop there!

Myth #4: Hormone imbalances are always easy to diagnose.

Hormone imbalances can be tricky to diagnose, as symptoms can be vague and overlap with many other conditions. Blood tests and other medical evaluations may be necessary to identify the root cause of hormone-related symptoms.

For example, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) are hormone-related health conditions. Some patients may have similar symptoms, and doctors shouldn’t quickly slap a diagnosis label onto a patient before doing further research and testing.

Dr. Rangi dives deep into testing with each of her patients, especially when working with hormone patients. With adequate data in place, she’s able to come up with a comprehensive plan for addressing internal and external factors involving hormones: stress, nutrition, exercise, toxicity, genetics, and more.

Myth #5: Hormones are only important for older adults.

While hormone levels do tend to decline with age, hormones are important for individuals of all ages. Hormones play a crucial role in growth and development during childhood and adolescence, and hormone imbalances can impact fertility and reproductive health in young adults.

Dr. Rangi enjoys working with patients of all ages, genders, and walks of life. Get connected today to learn how you can start putting your health first. It’s never too late to start!

Virtual Hormone Coaching with Dr. Jaiwant Rangi

Hormones are a complex and critical part of our overall health and well-being. By separating fact from fiction, we can better understand how hormones impact our bodies and make informed decisions about our health. 

If you’re experiencing “mystery” health symptoms that you can’t seem to crack, it may be your hormones! Ready to say hello to a vibrant life that seems achievable only in your dreams? Get connected with Dr. Jaiwant Rangi today and learn more about how she can help you achieve your goals and help you get in optimum health.